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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Why financial economics can be a good career?

Are you wondering what your plans for the next big thing is, like choosing what degree to take up on college. Maybe this could help you a bit on your decision making.

Why Study Economics? First thing you must remember and better keep in mind. Don’t study economics because you think it’s the way to a high paying job! I would not suggest anyone study economics for that lame reason alone although the logic is quite right, this studying economics will lead you to better opportunities in life. You will most likely hate it sooner or later. You must enjoy it, that is an absolute must in studying economics.

Economics is present in our daily life. It can actually help you in decision making and problem solving. Because economics can make you learn a lot of skills and knowledge that you can apply to other jobs or to your personal life, it is a guarantee at least of a better or positive outlook in life.

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